
College Confers Bachelors, Masters And Doctorate Degrees At Commencement 


参观 ACPHS Commencement page 为我们的 2024 SEEN画廊, 研究生的故事, an 事件回顾视频 转播画面 

Nearly 240 undergraduate, 今天,在奥尔巴尼药学与健康科学学院,研究生和药学博士们走上讲台。 第144届毕业典礼 at the Saratoga Performing Arts Center in Saratoga Springs, NY.   

药学博士学生有机会获得本科学位和博士学位. 超过40%的药学博士学生选择获得两个学位,今年的毕业生增加了药学专业的理学学士学位或 公共卫生专业的理学学士学位.  

除了, 这些毕业生中约有10%将留在学院继续学习ACPHS的其他学位课程.  

Class of 2024 Breakdown  

There are 161 female and 77 male students in the Class of 2024, with the youngest student aged 22 和 oldest student aged 54, 包括: 

  • 220 students are in their twenties 
  • 18 students are in their thirties 
  • One student is in their forties  
  • The oldest student in in their fifties 

Among these students, degrees conferred 包括:  

  • 114 received undergraduate degrees 
  • 16 BS/MS dual degrees 
  • 32个硕士学位 
  • 16 accelerated dual degree BS/MS degrees 
  • 128药学博士学位 

Graduates hail from 21 states, one US territory - Puerto Rico, and 12 countries including the United States, 巴西, 喀麦隆, 加拿大, 中国, 厄立特里亚, 圭亚那, 印度, 沙特阿拉伯, 新加坡, South Korea and South Sudan.   

Pomp and Circumstance  

历史悠久的游行队伍由斯克内克塔迪管乐队的风笛和ACPHS BS/MS制药科学毕业生的鼓舞人心的国歌伴奏, 奥尔德里安·贝尔拉德,24岁, and ACPHS students Nana Akua Sefa Adonu ’26 and Lauren Trackey ’27, both PharmD candidates kicked off the festivities. 校董会 Chair, Walt Borienok opened the ceremony.  

仪式开始时,Borisenok分享了他作为申请者两次被ACPHS拒绝的故事,引发了一阵笑声, then being asked to join the board 40 years later.

“You do not know where your journey will take you. It will not necessarily be planned out, and that’s okay. You will come across opportunities on your journey: take advantage of them. There will be challenges. Step up to those challenges. 会有风险. Do not be afraid of risk. Parts of the journey will be difficult to get through. 这很难. 但我们已经知道,你知道如何努力工作,你将能够度过难关.”

在介绍毕业典礼演讲人之前,Tofade校长欢迎了毕业生和他们的家人和朋友, 马克Shaefer, PharmD, FCCP. Shaefer, a veteran in the field of HIV and antiviral pharmaceuticals, served as one of the earliest members to form ViiV Healthcare. 他丰富的药学经验与临床药学专业知识相辅相成, academic teaching and 研究.  

Dr. Shaefer presented anecdotes from his own personal career, including patient care and innovative drug development. 他分享了两个全球十大赌博靠谱的平台一个病人的故事,这个病人的病情在他的帮助下得到了极大的改善,但他只活了五年, 结论, “她给了我一生的回忆,也向我展示了你对工作的热情, challenging the norms, 利用一个多元化的团队来完成人们可能认为不可能或不可能的事情都是值得的.”

This year’s student speaker, 查尔斯·米德尔顿, 获得药学博士学位和药学技能课程药学科学学士学位. 他在ACPHS担任多个领导职务,包括担任男子足球队队长三年, president of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHSP) campus chapter, and vice-president of the ACPHS Student-Athlete Advisory Committee.

Middleton noted the growing and emerging fields the Class is moving into. “ New roles and avenues of innovation continue to emerge, offering the promise of positive change and transformative impact, 我相信ACPHS让我们做好了准备,带着目标和决心进入这些角色,他说.

毕业后, 米德尔顿将在锡拉丘兹的锡拉丘兹VA医疗中心攻读PGY-1药房住院医师, NY.  

2024 Honorary Degree Recipients  

ACPHS recognized three honorary recipients at Commencement: Chris Del Vecchio ’88, BSPharm, MBA; Leigh Briscoe-Dwyer '87, BSPharm and PharmD; and 真正的杜托1969年,注册博士.  

Chris Del Vecchio ’88, BSPharm, MBA

Del Vecchio is President and Chief Executive Officer of MVP Health Care. As a health care executive, 他是创新和系统变革的催化剂,不知疲倦地工作,使患者的生活更轻松,更好.

在加入MVP之前, 他曾担任医疗保健组织的首席执行官近30年. A visionary strategist to his core, Del Vecchio在医疗保健和技术领域也是一名成功的企业家和顾问.

在他的指导下, MVP因领导有影响力的区域社区联盟和致力于合作解决问题而获得认可. 从获得MVP球馆的冠名权到在纽约州各地建造健身球场, he exemplifies MVP’s unwavering dedication to customer-centric care.

Del Vecchio持有ACPHS的药剂学学士学位和Union College的卫生系统MBA学位.

利一. Briscoe-Dwyer ’87, PharmD, BSPharm, BCPS 

A former ACPHS Board Trustee, Dr. 德怀尔是纽约约翰逊市UHS医院系统的药房系统主任.  

She is currently president-elect of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, the largest association of pharmacy professionals in the United States. She will then serve for one year as president and one year as immediate past president. 

Dr. Dwyer在纽约州立大学石溪分校(SUNY Stony Brook)担任HIV和传染病临床专家,并在药学实践的各个领域工作, including the pharmaceutical industry, with most of the last 20 years in pharmacy leadership roles.   

她持有Albany College of Pharmacy and 健康科学的药学学士学位,以及St. 约翰的大学.  


Duteau is a consultant in the financial pharmaceutical industries.   

最近,Duteau在Teva Pharmaceuticals和Novopharm Ltd .担任高级领导职务. 在加拿大多伦多.  

He began his pharmaceutical career with Ayerst Labs in Rouses Point, New York. It was there that Duteau teamed up with ACPHS alumni, Dr. C. David Fox ’58, to support the development of a manufacturing process for Advil. 他还在纽约和佛蒙特州的许多零售药店兼职,并最终在纽约亨利港购买了一家药店, which he maintained for many years.  

During his career in the pharmaceutical industry, 他敏锐地意识到,研究和制造领域缺乏必要的药剂师来完成所需的工作. 这导致了与ACPHS院长和院长的讨论,以建立一个制药科学课程,为制药工业提供药剂师. 这次合作最终成为该学院制药科学学士学位和理学硕士学位的基础.  


ACPHS President, Toyin Tofade, concluded the ceremony saying, “Remember to serve. 服务你的病人,你的同事,你的导师,你的顾问,你的家人,你的朋友. When you put your expertise to work in the service of others, the rewards come back to you in more ways than you can count.”    

每个ACPHS毕业生都有一个独特的故事来分享他们的旅程,以及他们为什么选择ACPHS. From academic excellence, 实习, residencies and fellowships to community service, 研究, 和领导能力, learn more about some of their experiences.   

全球十大赌博靠谱的平台 Albany College of Pharmacy and 生命科学  

成立于1881年, Albany College of Pharmacy and 健康科学 (ACPHS) is a private, 独立学院致力于教育下一代领导人,以改善社会的健康. ACPHS offers 14 undergraduate, 研究生和博士课程,包括生物医学科学硕士的在线版本,以及该州唯一的生物制造和生物加工硕士. 在斯塔克家庭生物制药教育和培训中心(CBET),学生们有无数的机会扩展他们在课堂上所学的知识。, at student-supported pharmacies in underserved communities, and at the Collaboratory, a public health resource designed to alleviate community health disparities. ACPHS在乔治城大学教育和劳动力中心评选的纽约州最佳投资回报率中排名第一,并被Niche评为价值A+. For more information, visit 1qje.0662hao.com.